Join SoundGirls.org
Please join SoundGirls for an online conversation “Documentary Sound Mixing in a War Zone” with Xenia Vinogradova, a Kyiv-based Sound Mixer, who will share her experience about what it’s like being part of a documentary film crew in Ukraine right now, and what she’s doing to help first responders on the ground.
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Safe&Sound Ukraine
A fundraising project aiming to purchase encrypted digital walkie-talkies and satellite phones for Ukrainian war medics, volunteers, and evacuation coordinators.
This is a unique case when the power of the sound community can help save lives. Since its launch, Safe & Sound Ukraine has partnered with more than 20 sound- and filmmaking-related manufacturers, businesses, and communities all around the world (such as LA Sound Mixers, AMPS, CAS, Gotham Sound, K-Tek, Lectrosonics, and many more), and has already supplied 14 locations across Ukraine with life-saving, secure means of communication.

Xenia Vinogradova is a production sound mixer/sound editor, living and working in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2015, she graduated from Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema, and Television with a Master’s Diploma in the specialty “Sound Engineering in Film”.
Since launching her career in the film industry, Xenia has been taking on various roles in creating sound for moving pictures: recording audio on location and working as a studio recording engineer; editing sound at the post-production studios, working as a music editor and sound designer. Her works include “Cenzorka”by Peter Kerekes, “Mountain Breeze” by Julia Kochetova, “Au Revel” by Sieva Diamantakos. Currently, Xenia continues to live in Ukraine, working as a production sound mixer in the war zone with various film and media productions.
